Web31/08/ · Essay on Population Problem in India Contents [ show] The second-largest populated country in the world with the total population estimated at present is more Web+ Words Essay on Population Population refers to the total number of beings living in a particular area. Population helps us get an estimate of the number of beings and how Web10/05/ · Population growth is witnessing geometrical progression. The resources of subsistence are increasing in arithmetical progression. India has to accommodate
The Indian Population essay Essay — Free college essays
Over six billion people are estimated in the world population today and this increase in number cannot be prevented because of high rate of fertility and the low rate of mortality. This means that more babies are being born than people dying. India is one of the countries considered as mere contributing factors of the growing population. It is the country of high population growth indian population essay having more than one billion people. Because of its unstoppable increase in number, many Indians are suffering in the state of poverty. Most of them are deprived and exploited.
This immediate concern on economic condition and the depletion of resources matters on the availability of the resources, the energy consumption and production capacity. Large population means large consumer group but can also be translated to large purchasing power and large work force that is essential in an economy, indian population essay. In this paper, we will try to examine the current situation of the Indian population. We will also try to identify problems that surround the Indian population and take a look at the means the government of India did in order to solve perceived problems. CURRENT STATES OF AFFAIRS India has more than 1 billion people and approximately There are estimated people in every square kilometer.
The growth indian population essay in population is estimated to be 1. Like most countries, the birth rate in India is higher indian population essay the death rate. In every people in India, Furthermore, there are only The life expectancy in India is Females are said to have higher life expectancy than men. Every woman is equated with 2, indian population essay. It was also reported in India as of the year that 3. Again, poor sanitation, poor lifestyle and lack of knowledge were some of the perceived reasons in high number of HIV cases and the high number of deaths.
Regarding its literacy rate which is defined by 15 and over years of age that can read and write, indian population essay, it was indian population essay that Among males, literacy rate is The figure also implies that men is likely to have education than women, indian population essay. Given indian population essay reported figures above, the Republic of India is basically faced with the problem of population control. Facing the problem of high population rate also tells us that it is also facing the problems given by high population, indian population essay. With this regard, the Indian Government has a very rigorous and difficult job. In its quest to find answers in controlling population rate increase, the government made measures to solve the problem.
These measures are the ones we will discuss further in this paper. In terms of legislation, Government of India passed the Child Marriage Restraint Act in htm prom. Child marriage was not only discouraged by the Indian government but also made it a legislation in order to emphasize its importance. There is indeed a need for the Indian government to act now in dealing with population problem. The Indian government is indeed serious in their quest to halt population indian population essay rate increase. They even spend money for rewards to people who does not get pregnant in an early age. Facilities for safe abortion were also strengthened in India to further address population growth.
This is quiet unconventional but practical means in order to fight high population growth which has been a very hard enemy. High population results to high poverty rate in most cases such as in India. The Indian government is not only facing population problem but also the status of many Indians living below poverty line, indian population essay. Many of these Indians below poverty line do not also have the benefit of what a person coming from a rich family will experience in terms of health care and education. To be employed is very much needed and it is of big help to people living below the poverty line especially when they are raising children.
Beyond being employed, it is also the aim of trainings to empower women in terms of their capacity and role in the society which is a very important aspect of the well- being of a woman not only in India but in women from different parts of the world. Women empowerment is one essential part in order for a country to succeed and to be strong. Skip to content Home Free Essays The Indian Population essay. Related essays: NORWEGIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS essay Urban and Rural Inequalities in India essay Education for Aboriginals essay Homeless Mentally Ill Individuals Share How They See Their Future in essay.
Population Problem in India Essay -Population Problem- Population Control -Population Growth Control
, time: 10:07Essay on Population Problem in India
Web+ Words Essay on Population Population refers to the total number of beings living in a particular area. Population helps us get an estimate of the number of beings and how Web10/05/ · Population growth is witnessing geometrical progression. The resources of subsistence are increasing in arithmetical progression. India has to accommodate WebThe world population is billion as of April and also increasing at a high rate. From that billion is Indian Population, which makes us the world’s second highly
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